Current Projects

Visit my personal portfolio website at for what I'm currently working on. I've become active in North Carolina Peace Corps organizations and began speaking around the Greensboro/Burlington area as well as the Triangle (Raleigh/Durham) about my experiences in Albania.

If you're in these areas and would like me to come speak about my experiences, shoot me an email.

Social Networking NGOs

Using my design skills and making a presence online for the gender development group I'm a part of and branding other Volunteer's projects. I'm continually working on editing video of interviews discussing women's roles in Albania for Volunteers to use with their youth groups.

Barazia Gjinore Development
I'm the marketing chairperson for the "Gender Equality" Committee for Peace Corps Albania. This year we are focusing on building materials for Albanians and Volunteers alike to access in order to educate further on gender roles and development in Albania. I've started a short video series of Albanians and their ideas on women's roles in Albania as well as redesigning the logo and creating a website. (just finished!)

Tirana NGO Commercial
D&E is the first bagel shop in Tirana and this is a short promotional piece I did for them to put
online and to use at non-profit fairs, etc. to promote their business.

One woman marketing machine.

 Using my own photography & design skills, I've been branding, translating and providing print materials
for the Bashkia and private businesses alike. Here are a few examples.

Being the first Peace Corps volunteers in the Tropoje region in Albania, we were able to witness the vast beauty and hospitality of the region, despite
the local and foreign misconceptions. We developed a business plan including: site map, website layout, target audience, marketing plan, logo/graphic
design and gathered website information from across the region with Albanian counterparts. The website is available in English and Shqip
and was nominated as a "Success Story" from Albania and sent to Washington, DC.

Cloverdale WorldWise Program
The Worldwise Program is a program that allows students in the States connect with a Peace Corps Volunteer and students abroad. It promotes global
learning and gives students to get a better understanding of kids their age in different parts of the world. I have teamed up with a 6th Grade Math class at Hanes Middle School in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
This will be an on going project throughout my service.