

This is the normal greeting in Albania, translated to English:
Person 1: Good Afternoon!
Person 2: Good Afternoon! How are you?
Person 1: Good! Very good. And you?
Person 2: Good! What are you doing?
Person 1: Good! Very good. How are you passing the time?
Person 2: Good! What’s up?
Person 1: Nothing! What’s up?
Person 2: Good!  Very good. What are you doing today?
Person 1: Nothing. How are you?
Person 2: Good! How are your passing the time?
Person 1: Good! Very good!
Person 2: Good. See you later.
Person 1: See you later! Goodbye.
Person 2: Goodbye!

This conversation could happen between family members, best friends or complete strangers… usually for me it’s complete strangers or co-workers.