
I’m black, so I must like fried chicken

Today was a hub day in Elbasan. We got to hear from current PCV’s from small, medium and large sites and how their experiences have been thus far in Albania, mainly working with the municipalities or Bashkias.  It was very insightful to hear their stories, tips and experiences. We ate lunch at this really good Pizzeria called “Pizza Ime” or “my pizza” translated.

After lunch the entire group got together and we had a session on stereotypes we would be facing in Albania simply because we’re American. We did a game that was inspired by an episode of The Office and all posted a stereotype on our forehead and had to go around and figure out what we were. 

Tomorrow I go to north north north Albania. This site has recently (and by recently I mean the past few months) been open to current PCV’s. It has been closed off because of “blood-wars” in the past. Me and two other PST-ers have been choosen to go to this site which travels on a road that takes us about an hour into Kosovo. I really never thought I would go to Kosovo but it seems like tomorrow has been the chosen day to do it.