
My life is a cartoon..

At least that’s what I’ve been told. Unless it’s normal for these things to happen: the family cat breaking into my window every other night by body slamming itself until it busts open (I really hate this cat), me coming home to my brother doing number two outside while telling me not to tell anyone, milking a cow and holding a baby chicken at the same time, being chased home by sheep, being woken up by roosters and/or dogs at any given hour, finally seeing an English movie on TV and the f-bomb is being dropped every other word but no one finds it awkward but me because they conveniently don’t put it in the subtitles… I could go on but I think that’s enough to draw a picture (ha, get it). Something’s that happen here are so abnormal that it takes a few hours or even days to sink it that it actually happened.

Today was my first day in a long time when I stayed home for the entire day and it was probably one of the most tiresome days I’ve had yet. I painted my finger nails with my sister, helped out a little in the farm, entertained 4 six year olds for a few hours; notice studying isn’t in this list which is strange because that’s the only thing I had planned for today but somehow kept being sidetracked. Being sidetracked is easy when you have kids wanting you to do everything with them. It was a good day though; my brother said my name for the first time today. That’s right, 3 weeks later and he’s finally not whispering to his other family members about me but actually talks to me. Such a break through.