
My flowers.

 My host brother before he went off to school.

I never thought I would say this but I was glad when I met one of my sister’s cousins today and she could speak Spanish. It was amazing how much easier it was for her to ask me questions and me to respond than I thought it would be. It’s weird what I retained and had no idea it was still in my brain; especially after all the Shqipe I’ve been cramming in here the past week and a half.

Today I received the first flowers from any member of the opposite sex (that I wasn’t related to, Dad I’m not excluding you, or those guys in Mexico that bought us all roses after the Salsa Club) has ever given me… my host brother picked me two different kinds of flowers and hid them behind his back and gave them to me before dinner. He also picked a cucumber and gave it to me too… to bad I’m going to eat that for lunch tomorrow but I’m probably going to press the flowers. Every girl should save her first flowers right? Just sayin.

 Reppin the double eagle.

We’ve started to plan our community event and I’m pretty excited about it so far. I think we’re going to make it a two-weekend event, one day in Bishqem, one in Pajove, and have like a “Field Day” for the kids of the community. Hopefully it will target community involvement, gender equality, health awareness and waste management. We’ll that’s our objectives anyway, hopefully some how we’ll be able to get something together that will touch each of those subjects and still be really fun for the kids. We’re having our meeting Thursday to run our idea by our C.O.D. leaders.